Saturday, 6 March 2010

Another week bites the dust!!

Well another seven days have gone by and the halo's still there. A challenging week: department meeting biccies, a course, a show and some sad news but stayed strong.

Tuesday's department meeting called for sisterly support as the Golden Crunch Creams were rolled out and passed around. Ruth, Jo, Sheila and I stood strong in the face of temptation and munched on our fruit, maintaining a holier than thou expression for the sixty minutes of food purgatory.

Thursday was a greater challenge as I faced the temptations of a Community Cohesion course lunch with no back-up from the gals. However ... I turned away from the steak pie, roast potatoes, and rich gravy and instead embraced a plate of green salad, cucumber and tomatoes and a small helping of vegetable pasta bake. I felt soooo virtuous.

The evening had more in store for me though as I prepared to become a Supreme in support of Diana and the other ladies. Nervous as a rabbit in a fox's earth, I struggled against my usual remedy - chocolate, and opted instead for a spicy couscous salad and no fortifying alcohol. Highlight of the evening was putting on the wrong dress, one a size smaller and zipping it up with no problems :)

The week ended well with a 2lb loss. Not as substantial as last week but that was the special week of the month!! I've managed to get back into a skirt I haven't worn for two years and jeans that weren't comfortable are now easy to wear. The scale is wobbling towards a 3lb loss and that, my friends, means less of me to wobble :)))))


  1. Well done Sarah! That's great, you have done so well. Keep it up. I have spent most of my life in food purgatory! Went to running Hell today - 3.5 miles round Burrator reservoir. Twice!!!

  2. its a foxes den mum but well done x

  3. Actually my son it's not - I looked it up to check before I wrote it :p
